Ruthann Ramoutar
Ruthann Ramcharan- Ramoutar has a Masters in Business Administration from the Henley College of Management. She was the Project Coordinator for the Cradle Initiative, which is the social investment project of British American Insurance which focuses on raising awareness of the Non-profit sector in the Caribbean by promoting volunteerism. She is one of the founding Directors / Facilitators with Veni Apwann. She conducts strategic planning for Faith-Based Organizations.
Prior to that, she pioneered the establishment and development in Trinidad and Tobago of Scripture Union (SU), an international volunteer Christian Ministry. As General Director of SU, she performed a wide variety of managerial functions including marketing, managing volunteers, training and fund development.
She pioneered the establishment and development in Trinidad and Tobago of Scripture Union (SU), an international volunteer Christian Ministry. As General Director of SU, she performed a wide variety of managerial functions including marketing, managing volunteers, training and fund development. Ruthann serves on the Boards of SU.